Personal Leadership Development – Summer Online Series (Workshop 3 of 3)
WHEN YOUR TEAM IS IN TROUBLE – “remote teams, conflicts, lower engagement...etc.”
You don’t feel comfortable in your team? Your team is not moving fast enough? Your team members lack skill or will?
Being part of a troubled team sucks – loss of trust, bad communication, unhealthy competition, isolation… Learn how to influence your team.
Program Topics:
-How to recognize that your team is in trouble. Team analysis tools. Types of team challenges. Areas where teams get stuck:
o Trust
o Communication
o Competition
o Isolation
-How to approach a team in trouble when you are the Leader.
o Leader blind spots
o Supporters, observers and enemies
o Team change management strategy
o Tools, instruments, and techniques
-Strategic measures to improve work atmosphere
-How to approach a team in trouble when you are only a team member – Influencing techniques, emotional intelligence, personal goals re-evaluation – You within the team
-Discover which are your profile strengths and limitations, your proficiency, and your development areas.
-Recognize the behavioral models of people in your team.
-Learn about your team’s motivators, de-motivators and fears.
-How to communicate better according to your team member personal profiles, so they support your ideas.
-Discover your personal driver to be part of a team.
-How to decrease stress knowing your colleagues better.
Combine your summer mood with 90min investment in yourself.
Reserve a virtual seat now:
Price for this training: 39€ per workshop
Package Price : 87€ for all three workshops
[Those who cannot attend live, will receive a recording! – for confidentiality reasons without the discussion with the live participants.]